In this world, Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible. Buddha Dhammapada.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poem Posted By Smaradey Khmer

If each grain of sand were to say: One grain doesn't make a mountain, There would be no land.

If each drop of water were to say: One drop doesn't make an ocean, There would be no sea.

If each note of music were to say: Each note doesn't make a symphony, There would be no melody.

If each word were to say: One word doesn't make a library, There would be no book.

If each break were to say: One break doesn't make a wall, There would be no house.

If each seed were to say: One seed doesn't make a field, There would be no harvest.

If each of us were to say: One person doesn't make the difference, There would never be love and peace on earth.

You and I do make a difference. Begin today and make the difference.

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